Who is Stockbridge for?
Stockbridge is for any environmentally conscious individual seeking functionality and uniqueness within their everyday garments.
Why does Stockbridge manufacture in NYC
The decision to manufacture in New York is at the base of Stockbridge. The ability to have a hands on relationship withe the garment at every step of the process is crucial to maintaining product quality, and the only way to ensure ethical production and development. Choosing to sources from American mills and manufacture in New York City's Garment District is Stockbridge's way of dollar voting, even at our micro-corporate scale.
How are garments naturally dyed?
We use various techniques and materials for natural dyeing. Zooming out, the garments are cut in sewn in undyed natural fabrics, then washed, mordanted with aluminum sulfate, rinsed clean, and then submerged in the dyestuff solution.
The dyestuff solution can come from logwood shavings, Stinging nettle powder, cutch, susuzome soot, indigo (woad), various Bengala mud dyes, and many more as we expand each season.
For more info on specific natural dye techniques reach out to Stockbridge.nyc@gmail.com